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January 28, 2006


I am the woman I am because of Graffiti. I only started studying/practicing a "New York" style of Graf a couple of years back...although I've been tagging and painting since Bancroft Jr. High. My cousins repped the original KGB Crew in Los Angeles - Kingz of Graffiti Bombin, Kidz Gone Bad... Their work from the 80s is still living on certain walls in L.A. and beyond. One member, Gajin Fujita, went on to become a fine artist of the highest caliber.

My years in New York I was blessed to work with and for KET ONE at STRESS and later at Complex Mag. I count among my dearest friends, even if I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, KEO TOP a/k/a LORD SCOTCH 79TH, WANE 1 COD, KEL 1ST, DOC TC5, CHINO BYI, and a few of their folks that I've met a few times, hung out with, and been geeked to meet like DURO CIA, STAY HIGH 149, MARE 139, and LADY PINK.

I've been reppin' L.A. a lot recently on P2P; I want to show my love for NYC and particularly the BX this morning...here are flix from some of the best to ever do it. Michaelangelo's soul controls ya'll hand.

Rest in Peace to my cuz, SCOUT ONE KGB. Keep Bombin' Primo, I love U.




At 4:47 PM, Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

Those are some great pics...


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