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November 17, 2006


I am the waves of the sea but You are its depths.

It is You who accounts for my fecundity.

You hold me up to the light so that I sparkle.

When You are stern it is I who storms and destroys many things.

When You come to me with joy it is I who bestows, yielding up treasures to the shores of the human world.

You are the Source and the destination, I the Love which shows the way.

It is You who makes me Mother, all these babes to tend.

You are the dark well I drink from, so that Love has no end.

My breasts are never empty for I sip from Your cup.

I am always beautiful for it is You who makes me so.

You are known by many names, but one is for my lips alone.

You are inside as I ride astride You.

From the first day to this, You are the throne.

Surrender is not for me to choose, for there is nothing else.

I yield glad from my womb again and again.

There is no beginning.

There is no end.


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